Whose Children Are They?

Documentary Movie review by John Whelan, Candidate for Rochester School Board Seat 3

Under the tutelage of long-time legendary black conservatives Bob Woodson and Carol Swain, the movie was a hard-hitting, disturbing expose’ of the radical left’s Marxist agenda in America’s public schools.

Powerful stories from American parents, teachers and students were expertly weaved into the wealth of information, data and statistics presented throughout the 2 hour production which never dragged as fascinating and frightening revelations came alive in compelling clarity.

From immigrants who came to America to escape Marxist indoctrination in China, Romania and Cuba to native born Americans steeped in leftist ideology by their radical parents, those interviewed confirmed how the American public school system indoctrinates students and claims them as their own possessions. 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream that his children would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character has become a Nightmare with the public school’s relentless pursuit of identifying the “Oppressors” and “Oppressed”…substituting immutable race characteristics for the Marxist Bourgeois and Proletariat economic and social class labels.

The review of recent success in electing conservatives to public school boards across the country and the election of parent and student advocate Gov. Glenn Youngkin in Virginia sent a positive hopeful message. However, enormous efforts nationwide lie ahead to undo the massive damage done over the many decades since John Dewey first planted the seeds of destruction of the American public school system over 100 years ago.

The power of the entrenched Teacher’s Unions was thoroughly exposed but uplifting stories of progress in pushing back against them were inspiring. Polling shows that 74% of Americans support School Choice!

The Covid Pandemic which spawned remote learning awakened parents nationwide to the radical racial gender and leftist agenda being forcibly pushed into their children’s spirits. This documentary masterpiece serves as an excellent reference tool summarizing the massive challenges faced but providing hope to make real progress in fixing the broken public school system.

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